From design innovation, to precision pressing, to quality checking of every product bearing the Eaton name, to ensure a perfect product at every phase. BS Eaton Limited is BS EN ISO9001 and BS EN ISO14001 certified, a worldwide standard for Quality Assurance and environmental systems.
The BS EN ISO9001 designation relates to Quality Management Systems and ensures that BS Eaton Limited continually improves its products and processes. BS EN ISO14001 verifies BS Eaton Limited's commitment to Environmental Management Systems.
We recognise our responsibility to the local and broader environment and community; employing locally, sourcing locally and improving the environs around our manufacturing and distribution facilities, we're raising our own standards and those of our supply chain all the time, moving supplier from just that to committed Partners.
With the help of English Nature, the RSPB and local conservation groups, we're continually improving the green space we have long preserved around our operations, long term tree planting, the streams and water courses that we are responsible for and acres of conservation grassland for wildlife to nest and flourish in; we want the working environment to be as pleasant and enhanced as the one our products are to be used in.
Supplying across the Midlands, we keep the product lines low and operate Carbon Neutral across the businesses. Working carefully, producing precisely, mindful of our responsibilities as an employer, to the community and to the environment.